Our Core Values

What We Stand For

The following statements are the core principles which our leaders use in making decisions regarding the direction and programs of our church. They are not intended to be a creed or a statement of faith.

  1. The Bible is the word of God and therefore trustworthy in all of its teachings.
  2. The God described in the Bible is the one and only God.
  3. Jesus of Nazareth, the One and Only Son of God, born of a virgin, is fully God, fully Man, and the only Savior.
  4. Through God all things are possible.
  5. Salvation is by grace and the work of the Holy Spirit through faith in Christ and is granted to all who repent of their sins and are immersed in water in the name of Christ.
  6. Genuine Christians will seek to apply in their own lives all the New Testament teachings regarding the Christian life.
  7. Genuine Christians will be regular and active participants in the worship and work of a local congregation.
  8. The church’s primary reason for existence is to reach out to the lost with the Gospel of Christ.
  9. Meeting people’s needs is more important than programs.
  10. The local congregation is under the authority of the word of God only, and not under any outside organization.